We work with the association "Mentor - Die Leselernhelfer Düsseldorf eV" ( Volunteer mentors support one school student for one lesson over a longer period of time. Reading takes place on the premises of the school. The non-profit association prepares the mentors for their task and accompanies them in their work.
Mentors want to promote the desire to read. By choosing and reading stories together, the children make progress in reading technique and in understanding the content of the texts, rather incidentally. The vocabulary is increased. The regular mentor hours lead to the fact that many children discover the joy of books and through the commitment of the mentors they often gain a new self-confidence. Games, puzzles and conversations loosen up the reading hour.
Around 470 children currently meet with their mentor once a week at a total of 67 schools in the Düsseldorf city area. Both primary schools and some secondary schools participate in the program.
As part of the school registrations in the Sonnenstrasse elementary school (Sonnenstrasse 10, 40227 Düsseldorf) and also in the first months of the first school year, a larger number of school beginners come across every year who need further support. In the past, this situation was countered with a high level of personal commitment by the school with the involvement of local contact persons at the first level of care of the health system (paediatricians and therapeutic practices).
As part of the cooperation, these children and their families are to be provided with low-threshold access routes to the system of outpatient (possibly also inpatient) social pediatric care by social pediatric centers in order to enable further diagnostics and therapy that are not provided by the school system (including school psychology) can be made to enable. Further planning of support and therapy measures then takes place in close coordination between the school, social pediatric center, resident pediatrician and, if necessary, the public health service and youth welfare.
Paul & Mia Herzog Foundation
The Paul and Mia Herzog Foundation is a support foundation based on Emmastraße 20 in Düsseldorf-Oberbilk, and was founded in 2003 by Maria (Mia) Herzog for the benefit of children, young people and senior citizens.
Education and upbringing, supplemented by sports and arts education, are the focus of our child and youth promotion. Our goal is to help people to help themselves, and thus to lay the foundation for building a satisfied, independent and self-determined life.
In the senior sector, we primarily want to promote projects and facilities that bring more variety and joy to everyday life - socializing, sport and joint activities of all kinds - but also offer help in acute emergencies. This is intended to make a small contribution to reward the senior citizens' lifetime achievement. Under Taking these criteria into account, we have decided to support the non-profit projects and institutions described on the following pages. More detailed information is available on your own website.
The visions of the founder are implemented by a committee consisting of three board members with joint rights and four members of the board of trustees. The members of the committee have qualifications as a businessman, banker, tax advisor, architect, social worker and master craftsman.
Queens & Heroes
The art and culture association Königinnen und Helden eV was founded in March 2013 by a committed house community and interested cultural workers in the wonderful Düsseldorf-Oberbilk. The aim of the association is to create a space for art and culture in the multicultural district of Oberbilk.
Through intergenerational children and youth projects, the association would like to give young and older people of all origins the opportunity to get a place to meet, to network and to actively improve the quality of life in the immediate vicinity.
In cooperation with residents, kindergartens, schools, citizens' initiatives, artists and like-minded people interested in culture, the association offers various projects and activities in the district.
Speech therapy & occupational therapy
at school
The cooperation with therapy practices for speech therapy and occupational therapy enables us to offer therapy lessons in our school. We have both offered this option in our rooms since February 2014. This cooperation makes it easier for our parents and children to access these therapeutic measures. The children can, provided they have a prescription from the pediatrician, take advantage of the therapy in our school. Organizational integration of therapy into everyday school life As soon as the first parenting discussion between the therapist and parents has taken place, therapy can begin. The following things are taken into account when planning appointments: - Therapy sessions start at 8:30 a.m. at the earliest in order to ensure that the students arrive at the school calmly. - Therapy appointments are arranged with the class teacher so that the child concerned does not miss any relevant lessons. - This rule regarding meal times and working groups also applies in the afternoon.
Children's Foundation reading educates
No human being can survive and thrive without the four elements of fire, water, earth and air. And what about the fifth element: education? Analog and digital information flood our senses. We hear and smell, we feel and taste, we see and recognize. We learn to read, acquire knowledge and educate ourselves. We all? No, the prerequisites are far from being the same for all people. Our vision is to awaken the desire to read in children and young people, to develop a passionate enthusiasm for writing and language early on and to anchor it permanently.
Newspapers, magazines, books and digital reading media should be accessible to every child and every young person, regardless of their economic or social situation, origin or point of view.
Düsseldorfer Tafel e.V.
Die Düsseldorfer Kindertafel unterstützt uns jedes Jahr zu Weihnachten und ermöglicht es uns mit der gesamten Schule das Weihnachtsstück vom Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus zu besuchen. Zusätzlich unterstützt uns die Düsseldorfer Tafel in vielen Bereichen. Hier sind nur einige aufgezählt:
Hilfe bei der Unterstützung von Familien aus dem Ausland
finanzielle Unterstützung bei der Ausstattung der Bibliothek
finanzielle Unterstützung bei Ausflügen, Workshops und Klassenfahrten
Roundabout Kids ist eine gemeinnützige Unternehmensgesellschaft mit Sitz in Düsseldorf. Wir arbeiten projektbezogen und befassen uns mit der Unterstützung vorhandener oder neuer Herzensprojekte für Kinder.
Die vier Schwerpunkte sind dabei Leseförderung & Bildung, Nachhaltigkeit & Umwelt, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden und Sicherheit von Kindern. Die Projektarbeit im Großen und besonders im Kleinen, sowie die Basisarbeit liegt uns dabei am Herzen.
Mit vielen Kooperationspartnern. Und mit Unternehmen mit denen wir im Bereich von Umwelt (E) und Soziales (S) zusammenarbeiten. Auch im Zusammenhang mit einem CSR-Bericht.
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