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Schulrundgang 2
Unse Team 2

Our team

Unsere OGS 2


Team Ganztag 2024_2025
The OGS team in the 2018/2019 school year

Mrs. Sumru Dogan is the first point of contact and team leader of the OGS. If you have any questions or suggestions, she is always available to you by telephone, in writing or in person using the following contact details:



OGS Sonnenstrasse

OGS office, 2nd floor

Sonnenstrasse 10

40227 Dusseldorf

Phone: 0211-8924783

Mobile: 0162-2548535


A total of 250 students visit our OGS. The new concept now enables the children to move around the OGS independently and on their own initiative after class and after eating.


Monday to Thursday the open all day is open from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Care is offered until 4 p.m. for working parents.


It is also very important to the OGS to work conceptually with the school's offers. The aspect of the GGS Sonnenstrasse as a sport-intensive school is taken up and continued in the afternoon area (see also AG's and educational offers). Within the framework of joint learning, all children also spend the afternoon in mixed groups within the OGS.


The OGS offers a holiday program for six weeks each school year. Registration for the holiday program takes place separately, usually six to eight weeks before the start of the holiday. It is then open Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The program of the holiday care and the respective activities have a certain motto, which is based on the wishes and needs of the children. The OGS is closed for a maximum of 30 days in the school year. You will receive a precise overview at the beginning of the year or school year.


Daily routine in the OGS

From 11.15 a.m. all OGS group leaders are reliably in the OGS. From 11.30 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. there is a yard break supervised by the teachers and specialists from the school and the OGS.



Lunch at the OGS

The OGS offers the children a daily lunch as an integral part of the respective group routine. The majority of all groups eat at different times in the communal kitchen. Another group room with attached kitchen is also used as a canteen. We strive to create a nice atmosphere that is suitable for groups and pay attention to table manners and independence when clearing away. Our food supplier is the company AWODUS. We aim to offer balanced meals and guarantee that we do not offer any pork in the food.

Function rooms – new conception

The all-day operation of our OGS requires a new room concept that meets the needs of the children and that allows the guiding principle of the educational team to be put into practice. In addition, with this concept we will be able to offer every child a childcare place in accordance with the legal regulations.

From the 2020/2021 school year, the OGS will have six function rooms. These rooms are pedagogically supervised from 12.30 p.m. In addition, the schoolyard and the public space within walking distance (Lessingplatz) are shared. The different materials in the rooms and grounds offer the children opportunities for social encounters and the experience of group-dynamic, social processes. Furthermore, the discovery, development and deepening of the various areas of competence is encouraged. During the free play time, the children can choose which of the supervised rooms they want to stay in or which open offer they would like to take part in.




open concept


1. The structures enable the children to spend the afternoon as independently as possible.

2. The children decide for themselves, every day, what they want to do after lunch and which activities they want to take advantage of. Overviews, clear regulations, advice and, if necessary, help will support you.

3. The children decide with whom they want to spend the time after class, regardless of the class or year.

4. The offer is designed according to the interests and needs of the children. Children have an important voice in putting together the range of offers.

5. Various "function rooms" are available to the children every day - the functions of which correspond to the fields of action in the educational agreement.

From Monday to Thursday, between 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., the children can choose from a wide range of educational opportunities – new every day. The only exceptions are those offers that are aimed at a performance or participation in a competition or that represent a project over a previously announced period of time. They must be visited regularly, which is easy for the children to understand.


In order to be able to make a decision, the children receive an overview that is updated daily, they can “sniff” what is on offer or receive advice from teachers. And of course the children also make recommendations to each other. Once the children have decided, they mark their choice on the "whiteboard" so that they have an overview of where each individual child is. Then they go independently to the appropriate room, where they are already expected by a pedagogical specialist or one of our training providers.

Unsere Schulsozialarbeit 2

Our school social work

School social work GGS Sonnenstrasse

Mrs. Gertrude  Hilger (graduate social worker):

Tel. 0211.8925639 or 0162.6707644


School Social Work - What is it?

  • School social work supports children and young people in the school environment in all social and family problems or conflicts. Another task are preventive offers.

  • The school social worker seeks contact with the family and advises them, for example, on educational issues.

  • School social work is integrated into the school, but not part of it, ie it is an independent youth welfare institution. She is not the extended arm of the youth welfare office, but its cooperation partner.

  • School social work also cooperates with surrounding institutions, counseling centers and therapists and within the school with the teachers and the school management.

  • The offers of the school social work are free of charge and absolutely confidential.


Offers for pupils at the GGS Sonnenstrasse:

  • We offer advice and one-on-one talks, for example if there are difficulties at home, at school or with friends.

  • When children feel like outsiders in class or are being bullied.

  • When conflicts among themselves cannot be resolved by themselves.

    We work with mediation as a method of conflict resolution and mediation as a compensation procedure.

  • To promote social skills, we offer social training in the classes.

  • In addition, we make offers for individual children or for small groups.

  • During the breaks, we are the contact persons for the children in the schoolyard and we take care of the play container.

  • We take care of the implementation of children's rights at our school and lead the student parliament, which takes place once a month.

  • We train children to be mediators and support them in carrying out the task of mediating conflicts in the schoolyard and in the classroom.



Offers for parents:

  • Advice and support on educational issues, school and  family problems

  • Support in conflict and crisis situations

  • Mediation of suitable support offers

  • Social counseling for questions about applications, especially BuT (education and participation)

  • Cooperation with extracurricular counseling centers and the youth welfare office

  • Networking in the district with children's and youth leisure facilities

  • Parents Café expected in the 2021/22 school year

In addition:

– Mediation training

– Regular job shadowing in classes

– social training

– Participation and attendance at school events, such as parents’ evenings,  Open house, school festivals

- "Fun Project - Family and Neighborhood" - A preventive family program

– Primary school program “Children’s Rights” in cooperation with educationY eV and Unicef

- Regular participation in training courses

Unsere Qualitätsanalyse 2

quality analysis

Our school in the test


The Quality Analysis NRW (QA) was in-house and the results exceeded our expectations.

The GGS Sonnenstrasse has undergone an in-depth analysis and the detailed report was presented to the school management and staff at the end of the 2018/2019 school year. In the following we would like to present the results of the week-long test to you – dear parents, students and interested parties.

Numerous interviews were conducted with students, parents, teachers and OGS staff. The examiners visited the lessons in all subjects and levels, inspected the school building, looked at all documents and records and thoroughly examined our school. The results make us proud!

Our school has developed incredibly quickly in the last 6 years and has developed into a place of security and a welcoming culture. This makes us all proud!


Over 90% migration share, over 70% of parents with social assistance and other challenges. Unfortunately, there are still parents in Oberbilk who would rather make the long journey to other schools than register their children with us.


However, this report shows that we are doing excellent work.


Explanation: what actually is the QA?

After the so-called PISA shock - the poor results across Germany in a Europe-wide comparison of schoolchildren of all ages - the NRW quality analysis was introduced in 2006. In our case, the district government of Düsseldorf is in charge.

The aim of this assessment is to anchor consistent standards in all types of schools and to ensure and develop the quality of schools. The basis for this evaluation is the so-called  QA tableau that summarizes mandatory and voluntary criteria. Planning bases should be provided and sustainable impulses for further development should be given. The visible check by the QA team takes about a week, preparation and inspection of all documents take several months.

Section of QA report

GGS Sonnenstrasse

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