Our team

The OGS team in the 2018/2019 school year
Ms. Sumru Dogan is the first contact person and team leader of the OGS. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact her at any time by phone, in writing or in person using the following contact details:
OGS office, 2nd floor
Sonnenstrasse 10
40227 Düsseldorf
Tel .: 0211-8924783
Mobile: 0162-2548535
Email: sonnenstrasse@ogs.awo-duesseldorf.de
A total of 250 pupils visit our OGS. The new concept now enables the children to move independently and on their own initiative in the OGS after class and after eating.
Mondays to Thursdays the open all day is open from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fridays from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For working parents, care is offered until 4 p.m.
It is also very important to the OGS to work conceptually with the offers of the school. The aspect of the GGS Sonnenstrasse as a school with a lot of sports facilities is taken up and continued in the afternoon (see also working groups and educational offers). As part of joint learning, all children within the OGS also spend the afternoon in mixed groups.
The OGS offers a holiday program for six weeks in each school year. Registration for the holiday program takes place separately, usually six to eight weeks before the start of the holiday. It is then open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The holiday care program as well as the respective activities have a specific motto, which is based on the wishes and needs of the children. The OGS is closed for a maximum of 30 days during the school year. You will receive a detailed overview at the beginning of the year or school year.
Daily routine in the OGS
From 11.15 a.m. all OGS group leaders are reliably in the OGS. Between 11.30 a.m. and 11.45 a.m. there is a break in the yard supervised by the teachers and specialists of the school and the OGS.
Lunch in the OGS
The OGS offers the children a daily lunch as an integral part of the respective group schedule. The majority of all groups eat at different times in the communal kitchen. Another group room with an attached kitchen is also used as a cafeteria. We try to create a nice atmosphere suitable for the group and pay attention to table manners and independence when clearing away. Our food supplier is the AWODUS company. We aim to offer balanced meals and guarantee that we do not offer any pork in the meal.
Function rooms - new concept
The all-day operation of our OGS requires a new room concept that meets the needs of the children and that allows the main idea of the pedagogical team to be put into practice. In addition, with this concept we meet the legal requirements to be able to offer every child a childcare place.
The OGS will have six function rooms from the 2020/2021 school year. These rooms are supervised from 12.30 p.m. Furthermore, the school yard and the public space within walking distance (Lessingplatz) are also used. The different materials in the rooms and grounds offer the children opportunities for social encounters and the experience of group dynamic, social processes. Furthermore, the discovery, development and deepening of the various areas of competence is encouraged. During the free play time, the children can choose which of the supervised rooms they want to stay in or which open offer they want to take part in.
Open concept
1. The structures enable the children to organize the afternoon as independently as possible.
2. The children decide for themselves and every day what they want to do after lunch and which offer they want to take advantage of. Overviews, clear regulations, advice and, if necessary, help support you in this.
3. The children decide with whom they want to spend the time after class, regardless of class and year.
4. The offer is designed according to the interests and needs of the children; children have an important voice in putting together the range of offers.
5. Different "functional rooms" - whose functions correspond to the fields of action of the educational agreement - are available to the children on a daily basis.
From Monday to Thursday, between 12:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., children can choose from a wide range of educational opportunities - new every day. The only exceptions are those offers that aim at a performance or participation in a competition or represent a project over a period of time announced in advance. They need to be visited regularly, which is easy for the children to understand.
In order to be able to decide, the children receive a daily updated overview, can "sniff" the offer or are advised by educators. And of course the children also make recommendations to each other. Once the children have made up their minds, mark their choice on the “whiteboard” so that an overview is provided of where each individual child is. Then they go independently to the appropriate room where they are expected by a pedagogical specialist or one of our training providers.
Our school social work
School social work GGS Sonnenstrasse
Mrs. Gertrud Hilger (graduate social worker):
Tel. 0211.8925639 or 0162.6707644
Ms. Natascha Maciejewski (graduate social worker):
Tel. 0211.8924789 or 0162.6721541
School Social Work- What is it?
School social work supports children and young people in the school environment in all social and family problems or conflicts. Another task is preventive offers.
The school social worker seeks contact with the family and also advises them, for example, on questions of upbringing.
School social work is integrated into the school, but not part of it, ie it is an independent youth welfare institution. She is not the extended arm of the youth welfare office, but its cooperation partner.
School social work also cooperates with surrounding facilities, counseling centers and therapists and within the school with teachers and the school management.
The school social work offers are free of charge and absolutely confidential.
Offers for schoolchildren at GGS Sonnenstrasse:
We offer advice and one-on-one discussions, for example if there are difficulties at home, at school or with friends.
When children feel like outsiders in class or are bullied.
When conflicts between themselves cannot be resolved by themselves.
We work with mediation as a conflict resolution method and offense settlement as a redress procedure.
To promote social skills, we offer social training in the classes.
In addition, we make offers for individual children or for small groups.
During the breaks, we are the contact persons for the children in the schoolyard and we look after the play container.
We take care of the implementation of children's rights at our school and lead the student parliament, which takes place once a month.
We train children to be mediators and support them in the exercise of the task of mediating conflicts in the schoolyard and in the classroom.
Offers for parents:
Advice and support in questions of education, school and family problems
Support in conflicts and in crisis situations
Mediation of suitable support offers
Social counseling for questions about applications, especially BuT (education and participation)
Cooperation with out-of-school counseling centers and the youth welfare office
Networking in the district with leisure facilities for children and young people
Parents Café expected in the 2020/21 school year
Function rooms - new concept
The all-day operation of our OGS requires a new room concept that meets the needs of the children and that allows the main idea of the pedagogical team to be put into practice. In addition, with this concept we meet the legal requirements to be able to offer every child a childcare place.
The OGS will have six function rooms from the 2020/2021 school year. These rooms are supervised from 12.30 p.m. Furthermore, the school yard and the public space within walking distance (Lessingplatz) are also used. The different materials in the rooms and grounds offer the children opportunities for social encounters and the experience of group dynamic, social processes. Furthermore, the discovery, development and deepening of the various areas of competence is encouraged. During the free play time, the children can choose which of the supervised rooms they want to stay in or which open offer they want to take part in.
Aside from that:
- Arbitration training
- Regular observation in classes
- social training
- Participation and presence at school events, such as parents' evenings, Open day, school festivals
- "FuN-Projekt - Family and Neighborhood" - A preventive family program
- Primary school program “Children's Rights” in cooperation with educationY eV and Unicef
- Regular participation in training courses
Our afternoon care
Around 250 children are regularly looked after in our OGS. After class, they come to our care to play and romp, rest, relax and cultivate friendships, measure their strength and have fun.
We offer them space for this.
But our educators always have an open ear, a comforting shoulder and a helping hand for their questions, worries and needs.
Ms. Sumru Dogan is the first point of contact and coordinator of the OGS. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, she will be happy to answer them by post/e-mail, by telephone (daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. / on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.) or in person (by arrangement). available under the following contact details:
FGZ Sonnenstrasse
Coordination of OGS
2nd floor, room 209
Sonnenstrasse 10
40227 Dusseldorf
Phone: 0211-8924783
Email: sumru.dogan@awo-duesseldorf.de
If you would like to contact an educator directly who is responsible for your child’s year group, please dial between 11:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Fridays 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) the number of the corresponding vintage telephone:
Vintage BLUE : 0172-10 04 421
Year GREEN : 0162-25 48 535
Vintage RED : 0172-10 04 714
Vintage YELLOW : 0172-10 04 822
*You will find out the color of your child's year at the beginning of the first school year. Unless your child repeats the class, the year color remains the same throughout school.
If you do not remember which color your child was born in, please ask your child.
care times
The OGS is open Monday to Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For working parents, care is offered until 4:00 p.m. on Fridays . This requires a written registration including proof of employer from both parents .
pickup times
Our OGS has fixed pick-up times that parents set at the beginning of each school year for their child. Changes must always be made in writing.
If you ever call your child for an appointment or similar. If you come to pick up outside of the pick-up times, we ask you to give the child a short written message beforehand or to call the year group telephone.
In addition, it is possible to make special arrangements if your child has a regular appointment, such as tutoring or native language lessons.
You can pick up your child either at 3:00 p.m. or between 4:00 p.m. and no later than 4:30 p.m.
Holiday care and emergency group
The OGS offers a holiday program for six weeks each school year. The program of the holiday care, as well as the respective activities, always have a certain motto, which is based on the wishes and needs of the children.
The holiday care is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Registration for the holiday program takes place in writing, and you will receive the necessary documents in your child’s mail folder a few weeks before the start of the holiday.
On certain days of the year, when there is no school, we offer an emergency group. The care times of the emergency group are also from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
You will also receive mail for this in good time in advance.
In all cases, please note the deadlines stated on the respective registration forms.
The OGS is closed for a maximum of 30 days a year. There is no care between Christmas and New Year. You will receive a detailed overview at the beginning of the school year.
Having lunch
Our food supplier is the company AWO.DUS GmbH Catering . This focuses on sustainable food with regional ingredients.
AWO.DUS GmbH | AWO Düsseldorf (awo-duesseldorf.de)
We offer the children a weekly changing menu with alternating vegetarian, meat and fish meals and fruit or dessert.
We aim to offer balanced meals and guarantee that we do not offer any pork or animal gelatine products, the chicken meat is always halal.
Our concept
Since the beginning of the 2020/21 school year, we have been working according to a new concept, the so-called open concept.
The all-day operation of our OGS required a new room concept that meets the needs of the children and that allows the central idea of the educational team to be put into practice.
In addition, with this concept we will be able to offer every child a childcare place in accordance with the legal regulations.
What does open concept mean?
Since the 2020/21 school year, the OGS no longer has group rooms, but instead has various function rooms. These rooms are pedagogically supervised from 12:30 p.m. Furthermore, the schoolyard, the gymnasium, the psychomotor room and the public space (Lessingplatz), which is within walking distance, are shared.
The children can choose which of the supervised rooms they want to stay in or which open offer they would like to take part in. They decide for themselves who they want to spend the time with after class, across classes and years.
The structures of the open concept enable the children to spend the afternoon as independently as possible.
The different focal points of the rooms and areas, materials and possibilities in the same offer the children opportunities for social encounters and the experience of group-dynamic, social processes.
The discovery, development and deepening of the various areas of competence is also encouraged.
The offer is designed according to the interests and needs of the children, the children have an important voice in putting together the range of offers.
In order to be able to make a decision, the children receive an overview that is updated daily, can “sniff around” in offers or are advised by educators.
And of course the children also make recommendations to each other.
Whiteboards and vintage colors
Once the children have decided where they want to go, they mark their choice on the whiteboards in the corridor next to the canteen so that they always have an overview of where each individual child is.
The children will also find the meal times, the weekly menu, motor skills room times, educational offers and another general information board for orientation.
Each new first grader is assigned a color at the beginning of the school year, which is retained throughout primary school.
This is for orientation, both in the open concept and for you as parents.
Responsibilities and vintage teams
Each child has a permanent reference person from the team of educators who, if possible, will accompany your child throughout his or her primary school years.
There are year teams that work closely with the class teachers. There is a weekly exchange in order to be able to accompany your child through school in the best possible way.
Our function rooms
1. Research and Experimentation
This room is all about science.
Research is being carried out here as much as possible! Exciting experiments, amazing findings and surprising events characterize the time spent here.
2. Doll box
Dress up, slip into new roles, play father-mother-child, whether in a group or alone, at the doll's house or in the shop, free play is the focus here.
3. Game Room
Board games, table football, jigsaw puzzles, dice and card games all have their place in the games room. Whether memory or monopoly, UNO or phase 10 or chess. Everyone will find the right game here!
4. Space
Towers to the ceiling, castles, bridges and gates, construction is going on here! Whether Lego or Kappla, wood or plastic: this is the paradise for building corner kings and queens.
5. Creative Studio
In this space we all become artists. From handicrafts to painting, pottery, sewing or knitting, felting, knotting or kneading, there are no limits to creativity and possibilities.
6. Reading workshop
Welcome to the world of books. The bookworm feels at home here. In our new library, the children have a large selection of books at their disposal, and cozy corners invite you to linger.
7. Music and Singing
Singing and making music together, rhythm and melody set the tone here.
8. Schoolyard and gymnasium, psychomotor room
The school yard, gymnasium and motor skills room offer plenty of space and encouragement to romp and run, measure strength in fair play and exercise opportunities for everyone!
educational offers
Various educational offers are available to the children in the afternoon area. The offer includes both sporting areas and artistic ones.
There are fixed, mandatory registration and free, spontaneously attendable educational offers.
Our offers take place from Monday to Thursday.
If your child has registered for an educational offer, we ask you to take this into account when picking it up in order to save you long waiting times until the end of the offer.
costs and help
All information on parental contributions can be found here:
Parental contribution - state capital Düsseldorf (duesseldorf.de)
The meal allowance for the daily lunch is to be paid to the AWO. Financial support is possible via the education and participation package (BuT).
Please read the information from the Office for Social Affairs:
Education and Participation - State Capital Düsseldorf (duesseldorf.de)
The monthly payment obligation also remains in place during the closing times or if the child falls ill.
notice periods
Your child's OGS place can be booked until April 30th. terminated at the end of the school year.
In addition, extraordinary notices of termination can be given during the current school year in the case of:
change school
change in personal care
long-term illness of the child (longer than four weeks)
The school can also terminate the OGS place at the end of the school year.
Your child may also be expelled from OGS by the school if:
your child's behavior does not allow you to stay,
your child does not take advantage of the offer on a daily basis and the obligatory attendance times are not observed without good reason,
you do not meet your obligation to contribute,
the necessary cooperation between parents and OGS is no longer possible or is not made possible,
The information you provided in the parental contract was/is incorrect.
The sponsor of the OGS Sonnenstraße is the vocational training center (BBZ) gGmbH of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) Düsseldorf.
Quality analysis
Our school in the test
The quality analysis NRW (QA) was in-house and the results exceeded our expectations.
GGS Sonnenstrasse has carried out an in-depth analysis and the detailed report was presented to the school management and staff at the end of the 2018/2019 school year. In the following we want to present you - dear parents, students and interested parties - the results of the week-long exam.
Numerous interviews with students, parents, teachers and OGS staff were conducted. The examiners attended the lessons in all subjects and levels, visited the school building, viewed all documents and records and put our school through its paces. The results make us proud!
Our school has developed incredibly quickly over the past 6 years and has developed into a place of security and a welcoming culture. This makes us all proud!
Over 90% migration share, over 70% of parents with social assistance and other challenges. Unfortunately there are still parents in Oberbilk who would rather go a long way to other schools than register their children with us.
But this report shows that we are doing an excellent job.
Explanation: What actually is the QA?
After the so-called PISA shock - the poor results across Germany in a Europe-wide comparison of schoolchildren of all age groups - the NRW quality analysis was introduced in 2006. In our case, the Düsseldorf district government is in charge.
The aim of this assessment is to anchor consistent standards in all types of schools and to guarantee the safeguarding and development of the quality of schools. The basis for this evaluation is the so-called QA table that summarizes mandatory and voluntary criteria. Planning bases should be provided and sustainable impulses for further development should be given. The visible examination by the QA team takes about a week, preparation and viewing of all documents take several months.
Excerpt from the QA report
GGS Sonnenstrasse