The non-profit association " Class in Sport - Initiative for Daily School Sport eV " was founded on June 12, 2006 in Cologne. The purpose of the association is the privately initiated offer to optimize school sport in the primary school sector in terms of both quantity and quality, the further training of school sport teachers and the connection of sponsors to finance this active school sport initiative. The association "Class in Sport - Initiative for Daily School Sport eV" decided from the start to ensure daily qualified school sport at elementary schools (grades 1 to 4) because
- the consequences of a lack of exercise in connection with inadequate nutrition can already be clearly seen in first graders (tendency rising) and school sport at elementary schools across Germany is the most common and is carried out by non-specialist teachers;
- Children at this age can still be taught the fun of daily exercise, play, sport and an integrative community in a very sustainable way
- Schoolchildren who are active in sports are more motivated, more attentive and learn better in cognitive subjects too.

Psychomotor space
Psychomotor skills is both an educational and a therapeutic concept and emphasizes the interplay of the psychological experience of the person or his psychological-emotional-emotional development and the development of motor skills and perception. The influences of the social and material environment on the structure of psyche and motor skills are also taken into account.
In a nutshell: It's just a lot of fun! Psychomotor skills emphasize the close connection between perception, experience, movement and action. Movement is therefore not only viewed in relation to the body, it expresses the overall personality. This perspective has led to a new concept of holistic self-awareness and personality development through movement. The psychomotor lessons at our school are successfully given by Zfaf employees.

The school has a single gymnasium which is used in the morning and also in the afternoon.

swimming pool
Our school is in the convenient location of having a teaching pool in front of the door. This enables us to offer swimming lessons in 1st class. As a result, our students usually achieve a swimming badge in the first few years of their primary school years. Swimming lessons always take place in a small group (half of the class). This allows the swimming instructors to individually respond to the abilities of the students.

Soccer - school team
The soccer school team is formed shortly after the start of each school year through a training session. All students have the opportunity to show their skills. After the autumn break, the soccer school team's training starts once a week under the direction of Mr. Knettel (DFB trainer B). The primary goal is to teach football-specific skills from the point of view of having fun with the game. The highlight is the Jan Wellem tournament at the Düsseldorf Arena in May and June. Here, 60 primary schools compete against each other in order to then play off the Düsseldorf soccer city champions in a final tournament.

Moving school break
At the beginning of this school year, GGS Sonnenstraße is taking part in the pilot phase of the exercise initiative for Germany's primary schools “moving school break”. The exercise program is carried out by the Bochum doctor Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer and the shoe retailer Deichmann are supported and consist of almost 40 sporting exercises that give elementary school students more exercise time every day during class.
Prof. Grönemeyer's exercise program is simple and effective: ski jumping, Formula 1 wheelbarrow races or the chain carousel get the children's circulatory system going and ensure that the lessons are in a good mood. Together with his team, Grönemeyer has developed almost 40 innovative exercises especially for the school break or the time before class. The exercises do not require any sports equipment and can even be performed in the classroom. Sometimes the tables and chairs are simply converted into sports equipment.
100 additional minutes of exercise per week
The teachers at the Düsseldorf community elementary school were immediately enthusiastic about Prof. Grönemeyer's project, because sport is very important there in the truest sense of the word. Sports teacher Simone Meerkamp and her colleagues have a large sports hall, their own swimming pool and even a "psychomotor room" with play equipment that promotes coordination and flexibility. “Although we already do a lot of sport with our children in our school, we were enthusiastic about Prof. Grönemeyer's program right from the start. Because we can now integrate around 100 minutes of exercise per week without much effort. That makes our students fitter and promotes concentration in the classroom, ”says Simone Meerkamp.
With this, the Düsseldorf sports teacher makes it clear what many studies have shown: According to a recent study by the Robert Koch Institute on the Health of Children and Adolescents in Germany (KiGGS), one in four children between the ages of three and ten does not exercise enough, and one in eight never does Sports. "15 percent of children today are overweight, six percent are even pathological," says Prof. Grönemeyer. His program creates a high level of sporting benefit: the varied exercises can be carried out both indoors and outdoors. They have names like ant run, Tour de France or one-leg ballet and, in addition to their health benefits, are above all a lot of fun. On the website Teachers and parents can find all the information about the initiative and the innovative exercise program. There are also teaching materials available for schools.