Family primary school center GGS Sonnenstrasse
Family primary school centers are designed to win parents over as educational partners and to actively involve them in their child's school environment. The concept is based on the concept of family centers at day-care centers. Now the city of Düsseldorf is on the way and is establishing three family centers at primary schools. We are one of them!
A quality framework emerges from the various approaches and previous experiences of the actors involved. In addition, typical features of a family primary school center can be highlighted, which are still to be worked out. Every family center has to find its own answer to how and with which offers the parents of their own school can be addressed and motivated according to their needs and thus become partners in the education of their children. Because at its core it is about this upbringing and education partnership, with which children in particular can be supported through the parents. The family primary school centers thus make an important contribution to more equal opportunities in education as part of a preventive offer. Various, especially preventive, offers are bundled at the primary school, which forms a socio-spatial hub and thus a contact point for families.
Our activities will be based on the needs of the families in the district. That is why we asked parents what they want and expect from their children's school.
The query was offered in different languages. With our offers, we want to ensure that our parents like to come to school and that their needs can then be inquired about in this way. For further development and appropriate needs orientation, offers are regularly repeated on the basis of recurring queries, as the needs and wishes of families can change constantly.
The family centers in elementary schools pursue the main idea of inviting parents to the elementary school through information, advice and support and to build a trusting relationship between parents and elementary school. Following on from this, the educational partnership between parents and schools is to be strengthened and the educational opportunities for children are to be improved. Family centers in primary schools require a respectful, appreciative, culturally sensitive and cosmopolitan attitude on the part of all those involved. The offers of the family centers in primary schools are aimed at all families in the school community and are open to participants from the social area. The family centers in primary schools provide a range of family education and counseling geared towards social space and ensure that families have access to various support services:
The basics of work in family centers in elementary schools are given here as examples:
Activation of parents to take part in school life and strengthening of their parenting skills through low-threshold offers (e.g. sewing courses for mothers, father-child campaigns, handicraft meetings, parents' café, etc.)
Networking of day care center - elementary school and elementary school - secondary school and suggestions for cooperation in the transitions (e.g. sponsorships, observations, joint working groups, binding cooperation agreements)
Information and counseling offers for parents (e.g. through a current directory of counseling offers and offers for health promotion and extracurricular education in the district and in the city, organization of consultation hours of the educational counseling or the agency for work in the school, parents seminars, Theme evenings etc.)
· Network nodes / networking with actors in the social area (e.g. with independent organizations, youth centers, associations, initiatives, churches, etc. and health-promoting offers in cooperation with health insurance companies
At our school, a team consisting of various actors (school social work, social pedagogical specialists, OGS coordination, school management, teachers) deals with the development and planning of the family primary school center. We will publish all further planning steps here in order to generate the greatest possible transparency.
The next steps are as follows:
March 19, 2021 - College-internal advanced training - Goal: Development of a guiding principle
March 26, 2021 - Exchange meeting with youth welfare office, school office, school administration and the other schools
April 27, 2021 - Workshop with the youth welfare office and the two other schools
. May 7th, 2021 - Workshop with the student parliament
. May 28, 2021 - Workshop with the class attendants
. 25.6.2021 - Final workshop with some parents, teachers and children
At the end of this school year, a logo will be created for the family primary school center, which is then planned for the entire school.